The end of our Future Changemakers Fund

Naima Browne - Black and white image

Naima Browne

Josh Stevens


The launch the Youth Futures Fund.

After 4 years, 44 young people have invested over half a million pounds into youth services that are keeping young people safe. Entering adulthood in Camden remains challenging so Camden Giving have worked with a group of young people to establish the next steps for how we shift inequality for young people. They carried out consultancy, then voted on the strategic approaches adn recuited a new group of 12 young people to carry on their work.

Tell us about yourself? How have you been involved in this work?


I’m Naima, I've been a Camden resident for around 6 years now, I moved here when I was 11 and now, I’m 17. I joined Camden Giving because I really thought it was a good opportunity to give back to my community. I saw the advert to join the Future Change Makers year 4 grant panel and had to apply. I really enjoyed my time as a panellist and I’m still with Camden Giving as an Alumni because I love it.


I’m Josh I’ve lived in Somers Town my whole life, Camden born and bred. I like Camden because of the diversity of cultures and people who live in the borough. We all live together and everyone in Camden see’s each other as one big family and work together to help each other. I joined Camden Giving through Coram’s Field Youth Centre with the help of Daniel. I first engage with Camden Giving through the Young Euston Voices project, and this year I’ve joined the Young Futures Fund panel.


We know you carried out consultation with Camden’s Youth Sector in 2022 how did it go?


I really enjoyed it. I loved talking to the organisations we funded and seeing projects in real life. I remember consulting with Shofi at KCB and it's amazing to see him at Camden Giving now. The consultations opened up opportunities for me as a young person and helped me build links in Camden. It really helped me understand the opportunities for young people in Camden and gain a better understanding of the Youth Sector and the challenges faced. Josh to ask Naima: Why did you decide to change the Future Change Makers fund to give larger grants for longer term projects?

We’ve been funding short term projects for 4 years now and I feel like we’ve seen the effects of those projects, I’m not saying the effects are not good, they are great, but I think a longer-term approach will have a bigger impact for young people. Yes, we are stepping into new waters but I feel it will be more beneficial in the long run. For instance, Marcus Rashford's food campaign had a huge, wider impact for children on free school meals. We want the fund to have this wide impact in Camden. Sustainability was a huge problem during our consultation and I feel this is will give organisations the scope to think outside the box, to think bigger, creating better opportunities for young people. Josh to ask Naima: How did you find the voting process?

The voting process was really good, I loved the videos they gave us because it helped with making the vote. Talking through examples of the different types of work helped us make informed decisions. The team was at hand to help us through the process and answered any questions I had. I really enjoyed it and found it quite easy. We knew it was a decision we had to make as young people and I had to think of every young person in Camden whilst making it.

The name of the fund has been changed to Young Futures Fund. Why did your panel decide this?


Me and the panel decided to change the name of fund because we wanted to make it clear of what the fund is for. We want the fund to better the futures of young people in Camden for the long run, with real change. The size and length of the grant has changed for this reason and so should the name. Naima & Josh: What are you hope for young people in Camden through this fund?

My hopes for the fund is to enable and show young people they can do so much more with their lives. A lot of young people in Camden believe they can't get out of there situations or do things that are great, many find themselves stuck in a cycle. My hopes for the fund are to break this cycle and allow young people to branch out and have access to the bigger world.


Yes, I agree with that too. I believe the whole idea of having real life opportunities that break these cycles is key. Opportunities that will help young people get out of their situations – I can see tower blocks from my window and sometimes it's not nice, I want young people to have the opportunity and means to live in those nice houses in Regents Park and be hopeful of it. I’m hopeful these longer-term projects can take steps to make this possible.

Any advice for organisations thinking of applying to the Young Futures Fund?


I’d say be open be bold, have a fixed plan but show adaptability, show that your plans have listened to young people and will be able to adapt to those needs.


I agree with that. Let us know what you plan to do, this is for the long term, so its more important than ever to let us know, I’d like to see specifics, I want you to say ‘by month one we want to’ give us statistic and actual numbers. Make sure young people are included throughout your work. Please don’t try and dumb down the words just because we are a panel of young people. Just apply in a way that you would do for any other fund that is decided by adults.


I agree, don’t simplify applications. This will help us appreciate the application more.


Any advice to young people?


Speak your mind, say what you want. If you don’t ask you don’t get. Let your voice be heard. Speak out and be open with your thoughts.


I agree, don’t be afraid to speak up, get involved in decision making processes. Your opinion matters, let other people know what you want. Your voice might represent hundreds if not thousands of other young people.

This fund is made possible because of the foundations, businesses and citizens acting in solidarity with communities. They are the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Autotrader and many people who wish to remain anonymous.



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